Sunday, January 18, 2009

so i T boned a semi truck today...

So, it has been awhile since ive made it up to Santa Cruz to ride some good trails with some good people...i decided to change that this weekend and head up there. Saturday morning at about 9 i was cruzing down the 152 and hit some pretty dense fog, it was so creamy that i put on my prescription glasses, which i rarely do. Anyways, cruzing along at about 65-70 mph's and about 150ft in front of me i see a steal wall perpendicular to the road the rode, so i slam on my breaks and right at the last minute i tried to pitch it to the left, sending me nearly straight on with the side of the cattle truck, the right side of my bumper hit it first i think. anyways, air bags go off its all smoky inside, front end is all smashed up, and might have blown up my radiater too not sure. Get out both me and the truck driver are fine and a few minutes later we look across the road and theres another car that must have swerved off to the right trying to miss the semi? ambulance came and in trying to cross the same street that the semi was crossing almost got hit too.. anyways the other person in the car had to get taken away in the ambulance, my truck got towed, and the semi drove away with no damage.

Tow truck driver dropped me off in some little town called dos palos, i made him let me get my bike out of the back (he didn't want to for some reason!) sat down and saw two younger kids ride by on bikes, i holler asking if there's a skatepark. there wasnt but we ended up riding street all over for a couple of hours, there were like 7 or 8 kids riding street with us by the time my mom finally showed up, a few hours later..

so that was my saturday, and i thank God that i somehow managed to walk away perfectly fine.

edit: this is what the truck kinda looked like, except he had another trailer behind it
and i just realized that if it wasn't a cattle trailer that went almost all the way to the ground, i would have been screwed, because on normal semi trailers theres a good 4 ft gap that my hood might have squeezed under which would have forced my windshield to hit the trailer?
maybe, i don't like thinking about it.

i wish you all a good day.

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