Monday, August 10, 2009


so basically i've been hanging out with some dudes from portland, OR alot this past month and they kept encouraging me to go out there, fast forward few weeks, ankles finally getting better to where i can cruise tranny and air around pretty i suggested a compound trip to oregon and Waylon was all in
we're leaving thursday night
as of now the dudes on the trip will be Waylon, Merf, Willy, Me, Grover(hopefully!), levi, and guest invitation goes to Pope! should be a good time, can't wait for all the gnarly conrete i keep hearing about
not sure if my ankle is up for trails but i'm sure well find out
here a video of some trails that my friend brad digs at
looks like northwest version of ninth street


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have fun man! Wish I could go so bad. Portland during the summer is heaven.-Jackson