Friday, September 11, 2009


so let me start out with saying i've always been one to think watermarks were very ugly and distracting, but it wasn't untill recently that i started giving them a possible chance.
i am not necesarily intrested in them for the copy write issue (however i was just involved with a stupid argument when a local company was using my photos for advertising and he stated "they should have had your copy write on them" thats another story)

basically i realized in a way i kind of like watermarks as it tells me who shot the photo
i can be browsing myspace and realize i know that photographer or if i like their work i can google the name and find more images to view and possibly be inspired by.

i saw a very simple water mark by Zander Taketomo from
his water mark was just in small text; it said the skaters name and the trick, and under was © + his name

i liked it, it gave all the information without hogging from the photo

example of me potching his watermark

so what do you guys think about all this, still ugly and pointless to watermark?

1 comment:

mike said...

definitely not pointless, especially if your trying to get paid for your photos. Or at least not get ripped off by some idiot who tries to say he shot a photo that you really shot...